We are a management consulting firm that provides advisory services to public and private sector organizations on Racial Equity, diversity, and inclusion strategies, as well as customizing and facilitating Racial Equity audit assessments and implicit bias training experiences.

The Racial Equity Group’s vision is to equip institutions and organizations to make Racial Equity, diversity and inclusion standard operating procedure.

We design strategies that transform policies and practices to achieve Racial Equity and partner with public and private sector institutions to help them identify how their organizations may be perpetuating systemic inequity, and empower them with our Racial Equity Mindset framework to guide decision-making, promote equity and results based accountability.

New research has made it increasingly clear that organizations with a more racially diverse workforce perform better. In order for organizations to positively impact Racial Equity, diversity, and inclusion (DEI), their entire organization must develop a Racial Equity Mindset by measuring, monitoring and managing Racial Equity.