Racial Equity Assessment
The initial strategy inside our signature Racial Equity Mindset Framework is the Racial Equity Audit Assessment. This is an institutional-wide assessment that scores level of commitment to Racial Equity, including leadership commitment and staff ability to implement strategies that advance diversity, equity and inclusion. The assessment also calculates an inclusion score that measures employee level of belonging in the work environment.

The results of the assessment provide benchmark metrics that measure the current environment and capacity of an institution to track progress over time and successfully achieve diversity and inclusion goals including the following:
- Identifies where an institution is positioned on the Racial Equity continuum; measures overall level of belonging, inclusion and provides an antiracist institution score
- Determines employee knowledge, skills and competency gaps on bias, equity mindedness, cultural interactions, policy and procedure decision-making.
- Identifies data collection gaps and strategies for data collection going forward
- Discovers if employees understand the value of examining and discussing impacts of Racial Equity and inclusion in their jobs; are comfortable discussing race and implicit biases; do employees have support to advance Racial Equity, diversity and inclusion internally and externally?
Call or email us at 888.369.1339 or [email protected] to discuss pricing for of conducting a Racial Equity assessment and audit of your organization.